Sunday, 27 August 2017

3 Exercises to Great Abs

Having great abs is not just about a great physique. There is no doubt that having a solid core benefits the body in more ways than one. From taking care of lower back pain to improving balance, strong abs can have a huge impact on your physique and
overall health. That said building abs takes time and effort. You need to exercise the core muscles in order to get strong abs. You also need to make better and healthier choices where food is concerned. 
Below we take a look at the 3 exercises to get great abs that you can incorporate into your routine. With these three, you can be guaranteed that you will see results as long as you are consistent and also reduce your caloric intake. You also need to be very patient as muscles cannot be built overnight.

Abdominal Hold
This is one of the easiest yet most effective workouts if you are looking to get some great abs.

How to do it

- Sit towards the edge of a strong chair or stool. Ensure that you sit tall and your back is straight.
- Place your hands on the edge of the chair, just next to where your butt rests against the chair. Ensure that your fingers point towards your knees.
- Hold your abdominal muscles and raise your body a few inches above the chair. Your feet should also be off the ground by almost four inches.
- Hold in this position for a few seconds.
- Lower your body and repeat. 
The routine can be a bit strenuous at the beginning but your body will adjust over time. Ensure that you push yourself a little more every day if you want to see results fast.
Plank Crunches
This workout focuses on the entire core and the good thing is that you do not need any equipment to do it. With this workout, you are able to work your back and abdominal area.
How to do it
- Get into the traditional plank position. Ensure that your body is straight and your forearms are rooted on the ground.
- Bring your right knee in the direction of your right elbow and then get back to the plank position. Repeat this procedure with your left leg and left elbow.
- Repeat this for ten times; ten for the right leg and 10 for the left leg. You can increase the workout duration as necessary. You only need to remember that when it comes to abs exercises quality is far better than quantity.
Climb up Clutches
As the name suggests, this is a little different than the lying down crunches. Though a bit strenuous, these are very good for your abs.
How to do it
- Get a scarf and wrap it around the balls of one of your legs. You can choose to start with the right foot
- Get on the floor and lie on your back. Bend the knee of the leg without the scarf and ensure that the foot is on the ground.
- Take the scarf with your hands and lift your upper body off the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds
- Lower your body as you release back your foot together with the scarf in the original position. As you are lifting your upper body, be careful and ensure that you do not tilt your back or tuck your chin as this will considerably reduce the effectiveness of this workout.

Do about 10 reps before taking a break. You can increase the duration you hold the position and the number of reps as your body adjusts to the workout.

These are 3 of the best exercises where getting great abs is concerned. It is important to remember that though putting in the hours in the gym helps, the first step towards getting great abs is losing the belly fat. Even though toning your muscles will
determine how well your abs look, you will only start seeing results when you have burnt a considerable amount of the belly fat you have been carrying around. Take the necessary steps to get rid of that stubborn fat around the abdominal area and incorporate the above simple workouts in your routine. Before long, you will enjoy great abs, more balance, and there is no doubt that you will look better than you have ever dreamt possible.

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